Monday, October 13, 2008

another file i found

Many of you know, about 4 years ago I got pulled over by a Palatine cop, by the name of Mark Wenrich The Police report and testimony was deliberately deceitful, a lie and fraudulent. Under oath, instead of saying “I made a few mistakes in the report and that I would like to take the opportunity to correct them”, he stuck to his guns and gave premeditated, intentional, perjured testimony. At the time of my arrest, this police officer was intoxicated, high on drugs, just following the protocol of a corrupted village or dumber than a stump. There were other police officers present during this arrest.

I mentioned this and provided enough evidence to all of the attorneys to put all doubts to rest. I also told and asked Tatooles to get a copy of the video tape of the arrest and get a copy of the gps location of the police car and that will give added confirmation and verification as to lies in the field and at the station.

I am sad that many people who draw paychecks from the Village of Palatine and other locale government agencies, just didn’t and don’t care about integrity, professional conduct, code of ethic, truthfulness and honesty.

I was hoping that during the past 4 years that, at some time some one would have the balls, guts or decency to make some attempt to correct some lies that were told of me. But nobody felt it important, didn’t want to rock the boat, waist their time, get involved, did not want to give 2 cents worth of effort, lift a finger, to correct a wrong. I asked for help to write this letter, but nobody would touch this matter with a 10 foot pole. Rather the entire village would prefer to have a corrupt mad man (got to be more than one) maybe on drugs, with a badge and gun running around 24 hours a day, doing what he pleases.

I could never figure out why people in the employment of the Village of Palatine and related government bodies could, would and have protected corruption. If the reason is because I have a wife and kids to support............I could be fired, this is up to you, it still don’t make it right. What are you telling your kids? The next generation of Americans? It is ok to lie, when you see a crime, just turn away, ignore it, don’t bother stopping to help some one?

You cannot beat what the church has to offer; 1 hour a week, 5 bucks in the kitty and your sole gets blessed. What a bargain. Just think if we did not have this sole cleansing service every week, things might be a lot worse. So maybe, some people put 10 bucks in and get a double blessing, so they can be double crooked for the week.

My defense team started with James Tatooles (lawyer number 1) (the brother of the mayor of Inverness (very small neighboring community that recently purchased its first police car). I pointed out to Tatooles , that some entries in the police report were way off wall, knowingly false and that it makes one wonder what this cop was on, when he made the arrest.

One particular observation and entry in the police report was a “mother of all, of his bumbling observations or lack of, or what he hallucinated to”. I don’t see how a cop in their right mind would make such a entry, unless, maybe, and also, cops knows they have judges and prosecutors in their pocket and can twist em as they please.
Besides the fact, that Wenrich did not know the color of the car he was following / pulled over.

Besides the fact, that Wenrich did not know which side of the road he pulled the car over.

Besides the fact, that Wenrich did not know the direction he or I were traveling.

Wenrich did not know what road he pulled me over on. Officer Wenrich said “ Rand North of Hicks. The posted speed limit for that stretch of road is 40 mph”. When in fact Rand North of Hicks, had 2 posted speed limit signs for that stretch of road that read 35 mph. Actually Rand has a Northwest or Southeast direction. So there for, he did not know exactly, sort of, maybe, kind of, or where about, he pulled me over. Maybe Wenrich meant Rand South of Hicks, or Hicks North of Rand or Hicks South of Rand.

I simply don’t know what Wenrich was on. I provided Tatooles with a tow receipt.

I would think that the states attorney could not allow this report or testimony in a court of law.

Tatooles might have realized that there is a severe problem with Mark Wenrich’s report, which could possibly point to a Wenrich’s on the job intoxication or something, at the time of the arrest, which would be a dui, for a cop who issued a dui, which might open the doors as to the other state of minds of the officers involved in the arrest, which might open the door as to where was the shift commander during this, and open the door as to the competence of the police chief (as to not knowing what is going on), then that might open the door as to why the village council are keeping these people on the city payroll which might bring to attention other shady activities that village members do not want known.

Mr. Tatooles as a member and past president of the Northwest Suburban Bar Association, officer of the court, is required to have this police officer arrested for making a false police report and if testimony would follow, he is obligated to add addition felony charges for perjured testimony.

I suspect;

James Tatooles, knowing about the gravity of the situation, and that his brother is the Mayor of the next town (Inverness), which relies on Palatine Police, Fire and public works departments for 24 hour service, might have asked his brother for his thoughts on the matter.

In which John Tatooles, might have talked to his village board and or maybe talked to the mayor of Palatine Rita Mullans, who may have talked to her village board about this issue.

The Palatine police has been know for problems in the past and there might be some ill feelings with the Palatine Police, Fire and public works departments, not with standing the Palatine Park District if any thing might rock the boat again.

As a long time, president of the Northwest Suburban Bar Association, one of the largest Bar Association in Illinois so he commanded the obedience and loyalty of his fellow brothers in law, which include, politicians, attorneys, judges and prosecutors. And as it turned out, after the trial, James Tatooles has made a run for judgeship he had the endorsement of many prestigious groups. After failure of that venture, he is now trying for republican state representative.

So I think the stage was then set:

The jest of the private pretrial conference in the Judge Scotillo’s chambers with assistant state’s attorney Shari Chandra and Michael Andre and James Tatooles went something like this, please note, I am assuming that the judge was present and that Tatooles discussed the evidence (that is what lawyers are suppose to do);

Hi judge, we have a problem here, the police officer that arrested my client, I think was intoxicated him self or just to dumb to be a police officer. Look at this police report,

forget about Wenrich not knowing the correct color of the car he was following & pulled over

the fact Wenrich did not know which side of the road he pulled the my clients car over on,

nor did Wenrich know what road he was on during the pursuit and arrest of my client.

Wenrich says it was Rand, but what is worst, Wenrich’s report says that “The posted speed limit for that stretch of road is 40 miles per hour”. There is no posted 40 mile per hour speed limit for that stretch of Rand. Your honor, Wenrich has written thousands of speeding tickets on that stretch of Rand saying that the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour. Here judge look at these photos. The assistant states attorney Shari Chandra and Michael Andre, then agreed and added Tatooles is right, Wenrich’s report and testimony would be in direct contradiction to previous testimony and judicial rulings in this court house. The IDOT, the Cook County State attorneys office, fellow Judges have established that Wenrich’s observations report is false and testimony would be false. We have no idea where or what was on his mind at the time of arrest. Also as a matter of fact judge, you have probably ruled as a fact, in a previous case or 2 in which the testimony of that stretch of road was established as 35 miles per hour, so any ruling other than, will contradict and not support your own previous rulings. We would put Wenrich the arresting officer, in further jeopardy, than he is now.

Tatooles also might have said, If I have to argue about the breath test, my client was exposed to and breathing acetone and keyatone all day, PVC glue and primer and had open cans next to him at the time of the arrest. A expert witness will cancel out breath test.

Shari Chandra said something like darn, I am looking forward to my first trial and to start with a winner would be a good thing.

Then Tatooles’s added, there is another problem, as you know your honor, my brother is the Mayor Inverness, and is concerned about the friction that this may cause and there is the point of a conflict of interest.

Maybe Scotillo was not present in the pre trial hearing. Maybe the Assistant State’s Attorney Chandra and Andre and Tatooles planed this all on their own, but let’s assume he was present (who else could order 4 defense lawyers, and the entire States Attorney’s office of Cook County, a police departments and who ever else might pop in.

As it turns out a retired supreme court justice called me after the trial, (I let more than a few people know of my story and that I will no longer be available or next to impossible, for plumbing work on their properties. They might as well find another plumber. Well one of my customers always had several supreme court justices at his Christmas parties)

I assume Judge Scotillo was present in the pre trail hearing, took charge.

“Ok, now Shari, watch and learn, this is how we play these games, don’t forget I am the judge, I am the law, if you want to practice law, in this state, you better keep your mouth shut ears open or your law degree wont be worth the paper it was printed on.

There will be no talk of any sort of, miss conduct, a cover up, tampering with evidence, a false police report, conspiracy, deception, or a intoxicated cop during his arrest. Nobody needs to know this.

We will not mention anything about this exculpatory evidence in trial, we will keep it away from the court recorder ears, that way all of this nonsense is nothing, nobodies the wiser.

I will sentence him so that by the time he gets out of the courts control, the statue of limitations would have reached its limit on all matters. If he complains before then, I will sight him with contempt and throw his ass in jail.

(However, I think that both criminal and civil conspiracy is valid, simply for one reason (but not limited to), the fact that Palatine police (and or Wenrich) and the Cook County States Attorneys office (and or Shari, Michael) have subsequently agreed that the posted speed limit sign is 35 miles per hour, which is

“Shari can get her first win and another feather in Michael’s cap”

“Jim, your brother wont have to worry, I see no conflict of interest”,

“Shari, make sure the cop knows he is off the hook, every thing is ok and have him, just stick to the report, Tatooles will not bring any of this up, if he does, I’ll stop him before he gets there”

“Jim are you ready for trial? There was no grand jury which was good, get Mars to wave a trail by jury, which will be even better yet, and since we are going this route, this will be a walk in the park done by lunch”.

Then I suspect Scotillo would have asked Tatooles “You paid up? Tatooles said “yep”.

“Jim, since your going to run for Judge, you don’t need to bash a cop, not with this case, to close to home, you don’t need mothers against drunk drivers knocking on your door. You can make some frivolous arguments about not being prepared, the field sobriety test or something. Since you don’t have a expert witness present to contradict the breath test, just don’t bring up the presents of the chemicals that would trigger a false reading on the breath analyzer, that, your client was exposed to that day and up the time of arrest. Put your client on the stand, don’t prep him and then we will let Shari have fun ripping him apart. I will make sure on your examination of the Wenrich you don’t go where we don’t want to go”.

Then the judge said “so there, lets go, get this over with and have some fun”

So during the trial, the only thing I could get Tatooles to say or that he was scripted not to say, was that Wenrich got the color of the car wrong. After Tatooles examination was over with Wenrich, I was going to say stop, I have a few questions, but I just wanted to see how this game that was being played , was going to be play out.

So at the end of trial I was guilty and every one praised them self’s of such a out standing job. It was a club, at the end of a hunt.

I had trial transcripts made. I paid about a dozen lawyers close to $20,000.00 for a review of the trial. Some attorney’s saw major problems with the trial, others were apparently in the same bar association of Jim Tatooles or were concerned about intimidation from the judge, so they praised actions of the court and said there is nothing they can do.

I hired attorney number 2, for $5,000.00 to argue some post trial views that I thought were important and missed. Such as but not limited to; accessory, facilitating perjury, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, a lack of truth. letting him know about a cover up, fabrications, gross dereliction of duty, willfully perpetuated a perjury, subverted testimony, attorney and judicial misconduct hoping he would correct the errors that made a dirty cop go free. He argued about this and that, but not about my main concern.

Some one, some how lawyer number 2 must have become informed of what the game plan is and he fell in place or Scotillo would make sure he would never practice law again. So lawyer number 2, also decided to knowingly and willfully aided and abetted and furthered the obstruction of justice.

I am sure this action gave Scotillo, Chandra Andres and Tatooles a little kick, because this was not apart of the original game plan. But I am sure Scotillo was pleased that another lawyer without a backbone would submit to his will.

I was teary eyed in my last statement, knowing that the entire justice system failed, corruption prevail and I was just a piece of trash. Why was I the only one that wanted the truth to be told. I was getting a fair trial and nobody cared.
I paid another two lawyers for a appeal (lawyer number 3, lawyer number 4), hoping one last chance some one could tell a judge that, there is major corruption in my trial. I was still not sure what power prevented a simple truth from come out. One day I got a call from one of my customers, he was pretty choked up also. (I let my grievance to known to a lot of people, friends, other plumbers, inspectors, some guys in the Chicago and County and Springfield governments, lets not forget about the MWRSD and customers, letting the customers know that most likely they will have to find another plumber, I won’t be doing plumbing for a while). He said he had a friend that, will be calling me, a retired supreme court judge. He called, asked me a bunch of questions, didn’t know the answers to. To me it was just another voice on the other end of the line, so I said I will have lawyer number 3, get back with him. Lawyer number 3 was very impressed, little ole me have such contact ability. I did not want to contact another friend of mine, a retired appellate court judge for help. He had a stroke, long time ago, can read, limited vocabulary. I hope and maybe he is much better these years, I just didn’t want to go over to the house and bother him and his wife with this non sense. I can stand on my own 2 feet.

Lawyer number 3 talked to the retired supreme court judge. Lawyer number 3 was the contact person for lawyer number 4, who wrote the appeal. Because lawyer number 3 was witness to much of the court room proceedings, and because his neighbor happens to be the other associate judge, right next to Scotillo, he probably was advised to make sure the appeal was frivolous, worthless, a no nothing appeal that will go no place, mean nothing to anybody. So that was a waste of another $9,000 or so. What are you going to do if a judge tells a lawyer play ball, my ball or else, I will make sure you will never practice law again.

This was just 2 more lawyers with no balls or guts, willfully, knowingly aided in a cover up, a successful cover up. Now we have;

* Scotillo,
* Tatooles (lawyer number1), his brother? with or without his trustees?
* Assistant State’s attorney Chandra & Andre (agents of Cook County State’s Attorney Richard Devine)
* Cook County State’s attorney’s office of Richard Devine
* Mark Wenrich of the Palatine Police Department, and his fellow brothers in various departments, public works, township agencies and districts, the mayor and her village trustees.
* Lawyer number 2, 3 and 4 and possible a retired supreme court justice now all on board

Well the Appellate Court First Judicial District made their ruling. The appellate judges McNulty, PJ, Tully, O’Malley and JJ decided to join the party and have a ball. They praised Scotillo, Chandra and Andre and gave overwhelming praise and support to Palatine Police Officer Mark Wenrich.

The appellate court, most likely, assumed the facts that Scotillo allowed to be put into this case were correct, above board and honorable. But now, we must add the appellate court accountable also, with this mess also (I think this is a mess and up to now, apparently, I am the only one to thin).

I let the many Cook county probation officers that were assigned to me know about this, the treatment centers know about this, the Maricopa county (AZ) probation know about this and nothing. I let some people I knew in the Palatine fire department, public works departments, building departments, Village consul, township departments, customers, business owners, people in various school districts, societies and others that work within the government of other local municipalities. They are all on this game plan of sticking together and or there is nothing any one can do.

So by now;

The Appellate court added their 2 cents. We still have the original set of lies. After all this cover up with all the combined years of education, diplomas, degrees and training to uphold the law and law enforcement involved and potential combined in jail time that all participants of this party should be subject to is staggering.

Every right that I think I should have been entitled to, was denied me. I ask my team of lawyers “how come this exculpatory evidence and letting a dirty cop to continue doing what dirty cops do did not come out” and they just shrug their shoulders, “I don’t know”

During the testimony we discovered that Mark Wenrich’s only job experience prior to becoming a Police officer was a bar bouncer during college. I bet, I know what and where that bar was also. It is amazing in a small town what people know about each other.

Now lets get back to the “mother of all of his bumbling observations or lack of, or what he hallucinated to” lies, told by Mark Wenrich. Based upon what McNulty, PJ, Tully, O’Malley and JJ said and ruled is now law.

I think that McNulty, PJ, Tully, O’Malley and JJ, will now have to clarify;

Is this ruling recto active or does it start from the date of the ruling?

Since this ruling has praised and gave credit to Wenrich’s perjured testimony and to become case law, will all further perjured testimony by Wenrich, be given praise, credit and held harmless?

Since this ruling has praised and gave credit to Wenrich’s perjured testimony and to become case law, will all further perjured testimony by any body, be given praise, credit and held harmless?

Since this ruling has praised and gave credit to Wenrich’s perjured testimony and to become case law, will the IDOT not be following the courts ruling by not changing the posted speed limit?

The appellate court ruling has set a precedent that can now be used to go after all traffic citations that state 35 mile per hour is the posted speed limit on that stretch of Rand. "With this case law, the IDOT 35 mile per hour posted speed limit on that stretch of Rand is not valid

That since Wenrich said “that posted speed limit is 40 miles per hour”, it is so, and the law

That since Illinois Department of Transportation says it is posted at 35 miles per hour, cannot be creditable, nor law.

All traffic citations and or any court testimony previous, during and after the McNulty, Pj, Tully, O’Malley and JJ’s ruling that involves any thing that would contradict the 40 miles per hour statement, which is false by reality, but true by the newly established fact of law, would be a violation of the higher courts decision.

All traffic citations and or any court testimony previous, during and after the McNulty, Pj, Tully, O’Malley and JJ’s ruling that involves any thing that would contradict the 40 miles per hour statement would be a violation of the higher courts decision and that all Judges, police officers and prosecutors who have ruled other wise are and will be violation of the higher courts order.

All traffic citations and or any court testimony previous, during and after the McNulty, Pj, Tully, O’Malley and JJ’s ruling that involves any thing that would contradict the 40 miles per hour statement would be a violation of the higher courts decision.

That Mark Wenrich of and including the Palatine Police department still issuing citations against and in direct contradiction of the McNulty, Pj, Tully, O’Malley and JJ’s ruling that involves any thing that would contradict the 40 miles per hour statement would be a violation of the higher courts decision.

That Cook Count State’s attorney’s office of Richard Devine and lower court judges are still prosecuting, passing judgment on traffic citations and or giving court testimony previous, contrary to the McNulty, Pj, Tully, O’Malley and JJ’s ruling that involves any thing that would contradict the 40 miles per hour statement would be a violation of the higher courts decision.

Since Mark Wenrich constantly testifies in other court rooms and the Cook County State’s attorneys agree, that the speed limit is 35 miles per hour, I consider this a on going conspiracy of a multitude of crimes against all parties that is still within its statue of limitations.

All to protect a crooked cop, in a crooked city of Palatine, Cook County, Illinois

A old saying comes to mind “garbage in, garbage out”

My team of lawyers starting with James Tatooles (the brother of the mayor of Inverness), lawyer number 2, lawyer number 3, and lawyer number 4 and the State’s Attorney of Cook County, Richard Devine, Assistant States Attorney of Cook County Shari Chandra, Michael Andre, Judge John J Scotillo, all went to extreme measures and violated every law, principal and oath, to protect a dirty cop who was probably intoxicated during the arrest and cover it up, while knowingly, becoming just as guilty or dirty as a crooked cop. All the schooling, education, knowledge of right and wrong, good and bad, just disappeared. I personally, think honesty is a good thing. I think there was a retired supreme court justice who talked to one of my lawyers about this case. Every one knew or now knows that this cop lied under oath, provided a false police report. The Appellate Court of Illinois, knowingly or not, have not seem to have dirt on them selves also. The old saying garbage in garbage out is what we have. I know for a fact that over half the cases the higher courts rule are based on lies presented to them. Point in case is a is my 2nd dui in which the Appellate court ruled that the crooked Illinois State Police officer testimony was creditable.
Tattoles again in that case did nothing to let the court that the cop was committing perjury. I had photos, showing the cop could not see what he saw, but this went on death ears. I complained to the State police and showed them photos, but nothing was done. So this dirty state trooper, continued to lie, cheat, corrupt the court systems (like Drew Peterson) until a ripe old age, then collect a nice retirement package. A honest cop or lawyer are far and few in-between.

and because of 1 of his lies, is in such fashion, it effects about every other ticket he has written and that he

On the surface every right that you would think a person is entitled was not granted me, code of ethics, and professional conduct are absent, you name it, it was not here. But under the surface, this behavior has become the standard and acceptable practice. This case is so corrupt, from every concept, from start to end. All I wanted is the truth told in my case. I have sent this to hollywood, this would make a good movie. Also I think this would be a good review in law school as to training future lawyers, politicians and judges.

People in the police and fire departments, building departments. Public works, Township departments, historical society, the park and school districts, and some people who work at the library seem to think I should be lucky I did not go to jail, Many businesses people, in town, out of town, residents, are aware of my case. But go to church every week for a hour, toss in 5 bucks, and you get you sole cleansed.

Now there is another thing,

There is this other cop that you hired to target selected trucks and trailers, then I heard he was picking on landscaper trailers. Also as many know, he offered a discount for cash for something like $1100. He also said something like “it would be higher if he had to take us in”. You would have to ask my brother how he took it. Well my brother who was driving asked if he would get a receipt or something like than and this cop went nuts. As a result my brother was arrested, who just out of the military after serving 20 years for this country was now is going to cook county jail unless we came up with a $1300 something fine. I can add other stories of intimation about this cop that I have heard, from many people who have been doing business in Palatine far before this cop was even a twinkle. Maybe this is village policy, cash payments on pull overs other wise this seems like a old fashion, run of the mill, standard, bribe..

If it is not the policy of the Palatine Police Department to offer discounts for cash on site for a road side pull over, I want this police officer arrested.

I wonder if this was the cop, or another in a marked squad car that I, saw parked at a cash station one Saturday morning at about 5:30 am and he was doing a transaction. I mean what does a cop need to do at a cash station at this hour.

After watching a few village board meetings in which Palatine residents came to the meetings and complained about board members, lying, trickery, then hearing you guys saying, this is not on the agenda, we will not discuss it, sit down or get out. The mayor and the rest of the board members have displayed lack of honesty, respect and good government.

I heard that the mayor sold her house for twice what it was worth, and that certain people or companies directly related to this seems to have privileges, not available to others (a few of us have a good idea what some of these perks are) . But that real estate deal sounds like what use to go around about the Park District and certain properties they purchased.

I know and we know that Village inspectors and others are forced to look the other way or face the consequences of termination.

and at the same time, just like Bollingbrook, the cops know the dirt on the Village Board and the Village Board knows the dirt on the cops, so every one is staying put.

If I had some help, in as little as a few months I could find enough corruption to put most of the palatine police, village board and others in jail for a long time.

Also like BollingBrook, what can a person do, make a report on a dirty cop to another dirty cop?

I just wanted honesty at my trial and I don’t care what the crime is.

I did not get it, Tatooles had his own twisted agenda, once again.

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